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Morganville Vampires 03: Midnight Alley by Rachel Caine BOOK book

Morganville Vampires 03: Midnight Alley

By Rachel Caine

  • ISBN: 9781921880001
  • Published: 2011-01-04
  • Binding: BOOK

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Book Description:

Morganville is such a nice place to live...and die. If you don't mind that sort of thing. When Claire Danvers learnt that her college town was run by vampires, she did what any intelligent, self-preserving student would do: she applied for a transfer and stocked up on garlic. The transfer is no longer an option, but that garlic may come in handy. Now Claire has pledged herself to Amelie, the most powerful vampire in town. The protection her contract secures does little to reassure her friends. All of a sudden, people are turning up dead, a stalker resurfaces from Claire's past, and an ancient bloodsucker extends a chilling invitation for private lessons in his secluded home.

ISBN: 9781921880001
Author(s): Rachel Caine

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Morganville Vampires 03: Midnight Alley

Morganville Vampires 03: Midnight Alley

By Rachel Caine BOOK
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