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Indigo Blue by Jessica Watson Paperback book

Indigo Blue

By Jessica Watson

  • ISBN: 9780734418135
  • Published: 2018-01-11
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

Alex feels like a fish out of water in her new hometown - the sleepy little lakeside village of Boreen Point where she is reluctantly sent to live with her slightly eccentric aunt for her final year of high school. None of Alex's classmates could care less about the new girl, so Alex couldn't care less about them . . . or so she tries to tell herself.

As a distraction from what is quickly shaping up to be a very lonely year, Alex spends her savings on a rundown little yacht and throws herself into restoring it. An offer to help a shy classmate with a history assignment leads to a curious discovery and the beginnings of a friendship, but it's Sam - the sailmaker's apprentice - and his mysterious ways that really capture Alex's attention . . .

ISBN: 9780734418135
Author(s): Jessica Watson

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Indigo Blue

Indigo Blue

By Jessica Watson Paperback
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