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Icebreaker by Hannah Grace Paperback book


By Hannah Grace

  • ISBN: 9781761420917
  • Published: 2023-02-15
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

A college romance about an ice skater and the hockey captain she hates as theyre forced to share a rink. TikToks latest viral sensation, this swoonworthy romance will be loved by fans of Mariana Zapata, Elle Kennedy and Elena Armas.

Anastasia Allen has worked her entire life for a shot at Team USA. She has a drive that few can match and, as she enters her third year on the Maple Hills ice skating team, everything is going according to plan.

Nothing will stand in her way, not even the captain of the ice hockey team, Nate Hawkins.

Nates focus as team captain is on keeping his team on the ice. Which is tricky when a facilities mishap means they are forced to share a rink with the ice skating team including Anastasia, who clearly cant stand him. But when her skating partner gets injured, Nate looks like her best option to advance in competition.

Sparks fly, but Anastasia isnt worried.

ISBN: 9781761420917
Author(s): Hannah Grace

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By Hannah Grace Paperback
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