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Sort Your Career Out : And Make More Money by Shelley Johnson & Glen James Paperback book

Sort Your Career Out : And Make More Money

By Shelley Johnson, Glen James

  • ISBN: 9781119899556
  • Published: 2023-02-01
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

The best investment you can make is in yourself and your career

Sort Your Career Out: And Make More Money is your go-to guide for building a career that you love. Dream jobs don't just come along: you need to make them happen. And this is the book that will show you how, from creating the ultimate career strategy to getting paid what you're really worth. (Hint: It's not just about changing the font on your resume!) With tips and guidance from two of today's top money and career experts, you'll learn how to change jobs, secure a promotion, ask for a pay rise and much, much more.

Whether you're preparing for a job interview or you're looking to make a radical change, Sort Your Career Out has the smart advice you need for earning more and winning at work. Inside you'll find practical activities that will help boost your bankability and take you further, faster.

ISBN: 9781119899556
Author(s): Shelley Johnson & Glen James

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Sort Your Career Out : And Make More Money

Sort Your Career Out : And Make More Money

By Shelley Johnson & Glen James Paperback
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